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What is Shamanism?

I consider shamanism to be the earliest form of healing work known to man. It has been practiced by indigenous people for thousands of years, maybe as much as 80,000 years ago. Since it is the first known form of healing, I believe that every form since has been born out of shamanism and contains shamanic healing in some way. An interesting fact about shamanism, is that indigenous people all over the world practiced it in similar ways without ever having direct contact with one another. 


Shamanism is a spiritual practice that involves a person interacting with the spirit world through an altered state of consciousness, or trance. This altered state is called a Journey, and the goal is to ask spirits or spiritual energy to help heal a person in the physical world.


Shamanism teaches us that everything that exists is alive and has a spirit. Practicing shamanism, involves working with nature to expand our understanding of how we are in relationship with everything. We are connected to animals, plants, the elements, the cosmos, and much more. When we practice shamanism, we call on all the spirits that want to assist us in our healing by building a relationship with our allies.


Shamanism helps us look at and heal three major causes of illness: Soul Loss, Spiritual Intrusions, and Loss of Power. Soul Loss occurs when a person experiences a mental, emotional or physical trauma. It is believed that a piece of our soul flakes off to protect us from the experience. That lost piece can be brought back to heal the person through a process called a Soul Retrieval. Spiritual Intrusions are when a person takes on misplaced energy in some form that causes illness for that person. Intrusions can be removed through a process called an Extraction. Loss of Power is when a person loses life force energy through an experience which causes depression or anxiety. One form of healing for the Loss of Power is to retrieve a Power Animal for assisting a person to work through emotionally difficult times.


By taking classes on Shamanism, we can experience personal spiritual growth and become more aligned with our True Self. Through the process of being in a deep relationship with the Spirit World, we truly are connected to the Universe. – Jim Bucko


What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is a spiritual form of healing that accesses the universal healing energies that are all around us. Sometimes Shamanic healing can occur spontaneously for an individual through extraordinary experiences in nature. At other times, people receive healing through dreams or through quiet stillness when the rational mind is set aside and the person opens to the universal energies. Sometimes healing requires the intervention of another person, such as a Shamanic practitioner, who can go out and ask the universal forces for healing on behalf of the client.


What type of healing is available? 

All Shamanic healing involves bringing the person into spiritual balance. There are three types of Shamanic healing: power animal retrieval, extraction and soul retrieval. Shamanic healing is particularly effective in the resolution of trauma (accident, surgery, loss, abuse, etc.) However, healthy individuals may desire Shamanic healing in order to further their spiritual growth.


What are Soul Retrievals/Extractions?

We can experience Soul Loss during an emotional or physical trauma and a Shamanic Practitioner can perform a Soul Retrieval ceremony to help heal a person. When we a spiritual intrusion such as cancer or an ulcer, the Shamanic Practitioner will perform an Extraction Ceremony to remove the intrusion.


What is Chakra Clearing & Illuminations?

A form of hands-on polarity therapy which facilitates the even flow of energy through the chakra system. Chakra Clearing & Illuminating combined with shamanic traditions is useful in relieving chronic health problems such as anxiety, headaches, stress, and tension.  


What is Living & Dying Consciously?

Dying Consciously is based on the great death rites practiced by the shamanic traditions, the ancient maps that held the secret of the conscious death. These rites allow us to understand the kind of psychological and emotional closure needed throughout the death process. They provide specific steps to bring reconciliation and healing both to the loved ones and the person dying. Living Consciously allows a person to learn how to walk a path of awareness and understanding for the life process.


What are Ritual & Ceremony?

Ritual and Ceremony are a critical part of living spiritually. We use these words interchangeably, as we make a connection to the spirit realm. We open and close events with a ceremony or ritual which invites the spirits into our physical reality. It is a way of honoring our connection to other worldly places.    


What is Shamanic Counseling? 

This is a method of personal empowerment where the client acquires the ability to directly gain access to spiritual wisdom. It follows the ancient principles of Shamanism and can be used by anyone regardless of religious belief. 


How is it different from other types of counseling? 

Shamanic counseling is not psychotherapy. It is not even psychological, but rather spiritual in nature. The counselor is not giving advice to the client, but teaching the client how to get advice from the spirit realms. The true counselors are in the spiritual world and the Shamanic counselor is more accurately a "teacher of method."

What is Shamanic Healing?
What is Shamanic Counseling?
Soul Retrivals/Extractions
Chakra Clearing & Illuminations
Living & Dying Consciously
Ritual & Ceremony

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